Energy Incentive Programs

At the 2013 ProMat Expo, there was much discussion about utility incentive programs and energy efficiency standards. Whether motives to improve energy efficiency come from “go green” mandates or cost reduction efforts, there are a variety of state, regional, and national programs offering incentive rebates to facilitate the implementation of cost-effective energy efficiency improvements for business customers.

Prescriptive Incentives
These are defined incentives available for energy efficiency equipment upgrades and improvements and vary greatly from program to program.

Custom Incentives
Custom incentives are available to customers for more unique or more complex energy saving measures. Custom incentives generally include measures that result in a reduction in energy usage because of an improvement in system efficiency. Applicants must provide sufficient information to support the energy savings estimates. Depending on the program, terms vary and incentive caps may apply.


To find programs in your area, the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency is a great resource.

Many of the utility incentive programs do not explicitly list battery chargers as an offering, however, in general, if the energy savings are justified, a custom incentive will be considered.

Sample of utility programs that offer incentives specifically for battery chargers:

Consumers Energy (Michigan)

  • This program offers varying degrees of incentives for replacing existing ferroresonant or SCR chargers with 3-phase, high frequency chargers. An application running 2 shifts per day, for example, is eligible for an incentive of $250 per charger.
Other useful programs focus their incentives on actual overall energy savings, not just equipment that uses less energy. For example, Focus on Energy is a program in Wisconsin with current custom incentives paid based on $125 per peak kW saved and $0.04 per kWh saved. However, there are stipulations to be aware of so take a look at the application to get all of the details.

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